Trainer-Einteilung 2024
ingo, um 20:54 Uhr am 01-01-2024
Diese Seite enthält die Aufteilung der Trainer für die Trainingseinheiten mit Trainerpool (Montag, Freitag, Sonntag) in 2024.
September 2024
02.09., Mo., —- (freies Tr.)
06.09., Fr., Ingo
09.09., Mo., —- (freies Tr.)
13.09., Fr., Ingo
16.09., Mo., Anton
20.09., Fr., Ingo
23.09., Mo., Józsi
27.09., Fr., Ingo
30.09., Mo., Anton
August 2024
02.08., Fr., Rainer
05.08., Mo., Józsi
09.08., Fr., Ingo
12.08., Mo., Anton
16.08., Fr., Ingo (Brückentag)
19.08., Mo., Józsi
23.08., Fr., Rainer
26.08., Mo., Anton
30.08., Fr., Ingo
Juli 2024
01.07., Mo., Józsi
05.07., Fr., Ingo
08.07., Mo., Anton
12.07., Fr., Ingo
15.07., Mo., Józsi
19.07., Fr., Ingo
22.07., Mo., Anton
26.07., Fr., Ingo
29.07., Mo., —— Sommerferien
Juni 2024
07.06., Fr., Ingo
10.06., Mo., Anton
14.06., Fr., Peter S.
17.06., Mo., Józsi
21.06., Fr., Ingo
24.06., Mo., Anton
28.06., Fr., Ingo
Mai 2024
03.05., Fr., Ingo
06.05., Mo., Anton
10.05., Fr., Rainer
13.05., Mo., Józsi
17.05., Fr., Peter
20.05., Mo., — (Pfingstmontag)
24.05., Fr., Ingo
27.05., Mo., —(Schulferien)
31.05., Fr., Ingo
April 2024
08.04., Mo., Józsi
12.04., Fr., Ingo
15.04., Mo., Anton
19.04., Fr., Ingo
22.04., Mo., Józsi
26.04., Fr., Ingo
29.04., Mo., Anton
März 2024
04.03., Mo., Ingo
08.03., Fr., Ingo
11.03., Mo., Anton Ingo
15.03., Fr., Ingo
18.03., Mo., Anton
22.03., Fr., Ingo Anton
25.03., Mo., Józsi
29.03., Fr., —– (Karfreitag)
Februar 2024
02.02., Fr., Ingo
05.02., Mo., Anton
09.02., Fr., Ingo
12.02., Mo., —- (Schulferien)
16.02., Fr., Rainer (Schulferien)
19.02., Mo., Anton
23.02., Fr., Ingo
26.02., Mo., Józsi
Januar 2024
5.01., Fr., Michaela
8.01., Mo., ??
12.01., Fr., Ingo
15.01., Mo., ??
19.01., Fr., Ingo
22.01., Mo., ??
26.01., Fr., Ingo
29.01., Mo., ??
JKA Teaching Guidelines
ingo, um 14:10 Uhr am 29-09-2022
Hier eine Kopie der Teaching Guidelines der JKA (Quelle: JKA Teaching Guidelines). Hilfreich für alle Trainer, aber eben auch alle Karateka – insb. Dan-Prüflinge – , denn es zeigt ganz gut, was an von einem reifen Karateka erwartet wird.
Instructor’s proficiency
- The Japan Karate Shoto Federation Instructors shall be highly conscience of their work and handle their duties with pride.
- The creed of “No first attack in Karate” should be engraved in everyone’s heart.
- Transform everything in your daily life into the way of karate.
- Dedicate yourself to study the way (path) more than to mastering of the skills.
- Always be demanding to yourself and actively strive forward.
- The instructor should possess qualities needed to become a role model (example) to the students which should foster their morality without the need for enforcement.
- Explore yourself high and deep to develop an overall concept.
- The instructor should not force others to follow his way of thinking, leave his selfishness behind, show persistence and work together with his colleagues for successful promotion of Karate-do.
Teaching guidelines
- Teaching should be held with courtesy, moderation and sincerity.
- Teach not with haste but with patience and care.
- Do not build emotional preferences to any particular individual.
- Avoid uniform teaching. Teaching methods should differ according to student’s age, gender, strength level or other conditions.
- Intensive trainings for athletes and instructors and basic trainings for average karate practitioners should be held separately.
- Instead of pointing out only students’ mistakes, explain what they should do to avoid or correct them.
- Do not mix up technique teaching with body conditioning, instead properly separate and combine them while training.
- Do not force students to train according to your personal habits; instead teach according to the ideal image.
- Do not be too dedicated only to Kihon, Kata or Kumite, instead divide the training time properly, and sometimes teach self-defense skills.
Teaching Kihon
- Develop karate skills gradually, from simple techniques to complicated ones, depending upon students’ progress.
- Do not confuse the aims of techniques during application beyond the level of ability.
- Apply a scientific approach to the teaching of Kihon. Analyze its physical and physiological aspects.
- Correct posture, solid stances and footwork should be performed easily and smoothly.
- Hip rotation should be fast and at the same time horizontal towards the ground.
- Pay attention to correct technique trajectory, acceleration and the concentration power.
- Ensure to have correct elbow positioning while blocking techniques execution.
- Grasp the target level precisely whether it is jodan, chudan or gedan.
- Know your own technique range and distance properly. Be careful not to break your form trying to extend the techniques’ range.
Teaching Kata
- Understanding of Kata should not be limited only to physical exercise.
- Kata is an original Japanese martial art training method based on valuable experience, which evolved from exquisite and realistic practice of our ancestors on the battlefield in life or death situations.
- Kata, like Go or Shogi, requires the deep study of fighting strategy to progress.
- Kata begins with Rei (courtesy) and ends with Rei (courtesy).
- Kata is not merely a set of basic techniques. From the beginning to the end it flows as an integral whole where every technique has its own characteristics.
- Do not change Kata basic techniques according to your preference, but keep their performance to Kihon requirements.
- Always clearly keep in mind three factors: correct use of power, speed and the correct expansion and contraction of the body.
- Perform Kata accurately according to Embusen (performance line).
- Technique and breathing should be simultaneous. Successive techniques should be performed in one breath.
- Each kata has a specific number of movements to be performed in defined order and in standard performance time.
- Pay attention to a technique’s correct application, to the appropriate state of mind and spirit, and to the correct performance of Kiai. It should be produced shortly and sharply directed from the lower abdomen.
- Use hip rotation to sharply perform changes of technique direction. Thrust your pivot leg strongly against the floor to perform swift and smooth body shifting.
- Techniques shall be performed at the same time the body movement shifts.
- Clearly understand special characteristics of Kata under study as well as the meaning of each movement.
- Understand the relation between preceding and following techniques.
- When moving from one technique to the other, avoid any unnecessary motions.
- Diligently repeat parts of Kata as necessary.
- Teach the rhythm of Kata through counting.
Teaching Kumite
- Different types of Kumite should be taught properly depending on progress.
- All types of Kumite should be well understood and their practice purposes should be clearly grasped.
Gohon Kumite
- Its main purpose is to drill Karate basic techniques of offence and defense, learning how to punch and kick by using Unsoku (body shifting) and to defend against them alternately.
- Advanced practitioners should practice swift and daring attacks, body evasions combined with blocking techniques.
Gohon Kumite
- It shall be used to attain proficiency in powerful basic skills of offense and defense.
- The connection between blocking and focus (Kime) shall be of the utmost important here.
- Make use of fixed distance to learn personal attacking and blocking distance for a decisive counter-attack.
- Effective blocking distance and posture should be followed by an instant and properly chosen decisive attack and finishing technique when countering the attacker’s action.
- For good successive defense timing, assess the opponent’s movement, wait until the last moment, then swiftly and sharply block the attack.
- Use various stances for resisting an opponent’s attack.
Jiyu Ippon Kumite
- It is a preliminary transitional step to Jyu Kumite, free sparring, the ultimate objective of Karate.
- It allows mastering the use of optimal distance of practical offence and defense and to block and counter-attack in a single breath.
- It allows effective situational awareness of offensive and defensive techniques.
- It is required to master effective ways of counter-attacking and powerful finishing techniques, as well as body-shifting, body-evasions and technique changing methods.
Jiyu Kumite
- It deals with methods of creating situations for effective attack and defense from random distance. It shall be utilized to study the ways of distance variation used to invite or trap the opponent in your counter-attack; as well as to study the effective attacking distances of your opponent.
- Master kake and kuzushi
- Study how to create an opening for technique implementation and how not to miss a chance for attack.
- Thoroughly practice changing techniques and technique combinations.
- Master the sudden change from defense to offence
- Actively use tactics of seizing the initiative earlier (Sen no sen) and seizing the initiative later (Go no sen).
- Use various feints.
- Devote yourself to training seriously.
Trainingsplan für 2020
ingo, um 14:17 Uhr am 09-02-2020
Der Trainerstab des Dojo hat gerade den Trainingsplan für das Jahr 2020 fertiggestellt. Wir können so einen roten Faden über die Trainingseinheiten hinweg sicherstellen, insbesondere aber auch die Trainings untereinander abstimmen und koordinieren. Basierend auf diesem Rahmentrainingsplan planen die Trainer dann ihre einzelnen Trainingseinheiten.
Aber auch für die Sportler ist der Trainingsplan wertvoll. Ihr könnt Euch auf das Training einstimmen, zum Beispiel ob der Fokus auf Kata oder Kumite liegt. Manche unter Euch schauen sich zum Beispiel basierend auf dem Trainingsplan die Katas zuvor auf YouTube an oder lesen diese in den Büchern nach, um für das Training bereits vorbereitet zu sein. Die Gefahr, dass sich Sportler die „Rosinen“ rauspicken und andere Trainings vermeiden, sehen wir nicht. Karate lebt ja von der Vielfalt, sei es Kihon, Kumite, Kata, Bunkai, oder Selbstverteidigung.
Im Trainingsplan seht ihr auch einen Punkt Motorische Fertigkeiten. Hier werden wir jeden Monat einen Aspekt – Kondition/Ausdauer, Koordination, Schnelligkeit, oder Kraft – speziell trainieren. Hier sind die Trainer gefragt, sich schöne Übungen zu überlegen, die dann hoffentlich auch etwas mit Karate zu tun haben.
Die geschlossenen Kindergruppen am Mittwoch sowie die Jukurengruppe haben ihre eigenen Trainingspläne und sind hier nicht aufgeführt.
Trainingsplan Unterstufe
Trainingsplan Mittel- und Oberstufe
Abschliessend noch etwas Hintergrund und Motivation für die Inhalte:
Ziele Unterstufe (bis organge)
- Verbesserung der Stellungen (Sicherer Stand)
- Verbesserung der Fußtechniken (Spannung Fuß, Einsatz Hüfte, korrekte Führung)
- Heian 1-3 gefestigt, Heian 4/5 gelernt
- Wesentliche Kumite-Formen erlernt (Kihon, Kaeshi)
- Intensive Prüfungsvorbereitung (Juni/Juli und Dezember)
- Einstreuen von Übungen für Koordinative Fähigkeiten
Ziele Mittelstufe (grün/blau)
- Festigung Stand (Zk, Kk, Kb) und Fußtechniken (Mae-Geri, Mawashi-Geri, Ushiro-Geri)
- Sichere Ausführung von längeren Kombinationen (4er Kombination)
- Festigung von Dan-Katas (Bassai-Dai, Enpi, Kanku-Dai)
- Erlernen erweiterter Kumite-Formen (Happo, Jiyu-Ippon), Sichere Abwehr von Angriffen
- Abwechslung durch SV und Pratzen (beides öfters ins normale Training einstreuen)
- Prüfungsvorbereitung (Juni/Juli und Dezember)
- Steigerung der Konditionellen Fähigkeiten
Oberstufe (ab braun)
- Sichere Ausführung von langen Kombinationen (4er Kombination)
- Erlernen von hohen Katas (Sochin, Meikyo)
- Festigung von bestehenden Katas (Dan-Katas)
- Kumite-Formen (Jiyu-Ippon, Jiyu), Kumite-Grundschule, 2er und 3er Kombinationen
- Prüfungsvorbereitung Jukuren Blau/Braungurte (März und Dezember), Dan Prüfung (Dezember)
- Steigerung der Konditionellen Fähigkeiten